Manufacturing and Distribution

Manufacturers and distributors are constantly challenged to improve margins and boost profitability. That’s not always a simple task. You need a business advisor skilled in the intricacies of modern manufacturing and distribution management. Someone to help you meet challenges and identify new opportunities and be at your side as you build the framework to support your vision for the future. Account & Finance operates in the Manufacturing and Distribution sector to give firms top notch business advice and financial services to help the business grow and becomes more successful.

Here you will get partners with the experience and know-how to advise you on day-to-day operations, as well as guide you on a range of matters that include:

  • Accounting & auditing
  • Buy-sell agreements
  • Executive compensation planning
  • International business & tax considerations
  • Inventory control
  • Software selection & implementation
  • Supply chain management
  • Tax planning

We will always look for lawful ways to minimize your tax liability. Our service include income tax preparation and strategic tax planning, helping you maximize the use of special credits and incentives, tax efficient structuring (and restructuring) of new ventures, operations, or the expansion of existing operations and anything more that you may require.

We will look at your business for ways to reduce costs and improve profits. We believe in open and frequent communication, so we make ourselves available to address your concerns, look at new opportunities or brainstorm ideas. As a manufacturer you are faced with a blend of accounting, tax and operational issues. We are here to help your Manufacturing and distribution business on its journey to success.