Conversions from Manual to Computerised Book Keeping

Computerized Accounting will involve making use of computers and accounting software to record, store and analyze financial data. A computerized accounting system brings with it many advantages that are unavailable to analog accounting systems.

We know that quite a few businesses still keep manual records or partial manual records and perhaps a set of spreadsheets. You may be considering fully computerizing, if you are then please talk to us first, we can suggest the best system to meet you requirements, and then assist you with the implementation.

Not only will we draw up an implementation plan and assist you with the implementation, we will also provide you with support on an ongoing basis, but especially during the first few months, as any unusual or occasional transactions crop up. We usually find that most clients can operate with very little support after using the new system for the first quarter.

With a computerized system in place you will be able to perform your bookkeeping tasks much fast. But speed is not all that a computerized system has to offer. You will also be able to manage your accounts better. It will help your accountants make your year end sheets more efficient and easily. All in all a computerized system is a necessity if you hope for your business to expand without any trouble on the bookkeeping end.

You don’t have to worry about a thing when we are converting your system because our team will not only put the software in place but will also ensure that you staff knows how to operate it and can handle the management well. With our services at Account & Finance, you are in good hands. We will walk you step by stop on how the conversion of the system from manual to computerized will take place.