If you are employed, you may gain a significant benefit by having an accountant who has experience working with self-employed individuals and sole traders. Whether you are looking for a local solution, a cost effective remote service or an accountant with specific industry knowledge, we will be able to assist you. Fortunately, we at Account & Finance and just what you need.
We can help you with:
- Potentially saving money through cutting costs (ie. Tax savings)
- Maximizing profits
- Handling HMRC issues (ie. VAT)
- Advising on financial choices
- Planning and forecasting finances
- Compliance related matters, self-assessments and tax returns.
- General bookkeeping
- The best business structure; how to change and when to change
Our firm has gathered years of experience helping out employed individuals with their accounting and taxes so that when tax season kicks in they don’t have to worry one bit about scrambling to get their records together, we will take care of everything for you. Making sure your records are always in order is just one of the duties that we will be performing for you. Our expert staff is also fully qualified to offer you advice on all sorts of finance issues so that you always have an experienced consultant to help you out.
We not only provide unique services tailored to your specific needs but also go all in to ensure that the state of your finances is always at its peak. We believe that the more that we can help you, the more time you will have to give to other things. Our mission is to help you succeed and always keep your finances well mantianed.