Authors & Journalists

As a special category of taxpayer, authors may find that their income is irregular and that their tax and accounting affairs require very careful planning and control. We at Account & Finance work with authors who are just starting out to some of the most well-known writers in the country. With out accounting and finance services you can manage your income and taxes in the most efficient manner. Our expert accountant will ensure that the state of your finances is always in order so that you never have any trouble with taxes or money management.

We are well equipped to help you with a range of services starting from offering you advice on making the most tax efficient decisions with our expert advice. Our financial advice will help you look at the bigger picture and manage your finances in a way that you can plan for the future. We will help you with minimizing tax and VAT liabilities, dealing with HMRC, especially when liabilities are disputed, bookkeeping and general bookkeeping advice, pensions and investment advice, tax & financial planning. With our help you can manage your spending income better and minimize any unnecessary losses.

At Account & Finance we specifically provide accounting and tax advice for Authors and Journalists on an array of issues including:

  • Self-assessment
  • Time limits
  • Simple record keeping
  • Accounts and tax return preparation
  • Professional expenses
  • Royalty accounting and audits
  • Appealing against the taxman
  • What happens when you send in your tax return
  • Author’s averaging VAT, including the flat rate scheme
  • Domicile
  • Incorporation
  • Partnerships
  • National Insurance

Our team of talented individuals have vast knowledge in advising Authors and Journalists on accounting and tax issues and creating bespoke solutions for all your financial concerns. We have extensive experience of the relevant tax legislation and initiate timely and effective procedures to minimize tax liabilities.